Since writing my last book - Everything You Need To Start Your Own Digital Label - I’ve had droves of people ask me if there is a way of starting up a music publishing company without incurring costs? A few years ago the mere notion of such a question would have been an absurdity. However, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but something quite remarkable appears to be going on. The rapid acceleration of digital is having an enormous impact on the music industry - so much so – it’s now becoming possible to get a music publishing company up and running for a fraction of what it would have five years ago – no, let’s revise that - two years ago.
If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of owning and running your own commercial music publishing company -
now you can. I’m not joking – anyone can do it! There are so many different and exciting ways of running it. The key is to build a catalog of songs – then license them domestically and sub publish the rights around the world. There are hundreds of thousands of outlets globally looking for product to acquire.
As to building a catalog – I can show you ways of acquiring and marketing songs that’s going to do justice to your songwriters – since both of you will be making good money – which is going to catapult your credibility as a music publisher.
The idea that music publishing can only be run at high cost, is nonsense. In fact you may be shocked at how ridiculously low you can operate. Of all the music enterprise fields in the music industry – it’s probably the least costly – that is if you know what you’re doing.
As my way of helping individuals who really want to get ahead in music – I’m making available an ebook entitled – How To Start Your Own Music Publishing Company – which you can get for $5.00! The reason for practically giving it away? I want as many people to succeed in this new digital age as possible. I’m only going to do it for a short period of time – so, if you want to take advantage, order your copy by clicking here.
Have a great week!
Dennis R. Sinnott